CIDESCO Diploma in Beauty Therapy or CIDESCO Post Graduate Diploma in Beauty Therapy.
Candidates who have not completed their 600 hours’ work experience or have failed any part of the CIDESCO Beauty Therapy examination will NOT obtain their Aromatherapy Diploma until they have successfully completed their Beauty Therapy graduation requirements.
Students must undergo a course of at least 90 hours of training at a registered CIDESCO School covering all subjects in the Post Graduate Aromatherapy Syllabus and at least 90 hours home study.
The examination for the Post Graduate Aromatherapy Diploma consists of a Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) paper, a practical exam and assessment of Case Histories.
Case Histories
Each Candidate is required to present 24 Case Histories to the Examiner. These must have been carried out on 6 different client models, who have each had 4 documented Aromatherapy treatments which includes dates of visits and recommended aftercare.
- History of aromatherapy
- Sources of essential oils
- Basic chemistry of essential oils
- Base oils & carrier oils
- Psychological & physiological effects
- Contra-indications
- Blending of essential oils
- In-depth consultation and advice to clients
- Essential oils considered unsafe for use in aromatherapy
- First aid
- The use of burners, sprays, hydrotherapy, candles
- Anatomy & physiology